back Command Filter Library

Aug 11, 23

Almost every command has filters that makes it easier for you to find cards in your inventory, raid lobbies, markets, trading and enchantmenting. These filters will go after your command: i.e [iz <cmd> <filters>].

All Supported Filters

All commands use the common nomenclature for all filters. For a list of all supported filters by a command type [iz help <cmd>]. The indications used below are same for all commands:

-n [name] filter - It is used to look for cards with a specific name. Use comma[,] to include more names. You don't need to type the entire name in the filters. It is relative to the command being used. For example: To look for specific skills from the skill pool type [iz abilities -n wrecker].

-s [series] filter - It is used to look for cards with a specific series. Use comma[,] to include more series. Only supported by few commands such as [iz dex].

-t [element type] filter - Displays the cards that match the element type mentioned [fire, water, wind, poison, crystal, ground....etc]. Use comma[,] to include more element types.

-a [card ability or skill] filter - It is used to look for cards with specific abililties or skills. Use comma[,] to include more skills.

-r [card rank] filter - It is used to look for specific card ranks in your inventory or while adding cards to trade. Use comma[,] to specify more ranks.

-pg [page number] filter - It is used to jump to a specific page number while searching for raid lobbies, cards in your inventory, market, dex, guild commands etc.

These are global filters that can used in most commands. It is recommended to frequently check the filters supported by a command using [iz help <cmd>].

Command Specific Filters


-mk [cards on market] filter - It is used to see all the cards you have listed on the Global Market from your Inventory. Example: iz inv -mk

-fav [favorited cards] filter - Displays all the cards you have favorited in your inventory. To add a card to your favorites use [iz fav <#ID>]. Favorited cards will not be consumed even if it is a fodder while using the enh command. For more info type [iz help fav]. Example: iz inv -fav


-d [raid difficulty] filter - It is used to filter specific raid difficulty while search the raid lobbies. This filter is specific to [iz rd lobbies] command. Example: iz rd lobbies -d hard


-year filter - Filters the dex for all cards that were added to the bot in a specific year. Example: iz dex -year 2022


-cid [card id] filter - To look for a specific card with specific ID on the market use this filter. This filter is mostly used by players to search for visually appealing ids or their favorite ids. Example: iz mk -cid 69


-l [limit] filter - It is used to specify a limit to the number of cards you want to trade. The default value for this filter is 1. It is mostly used while trading fodders. Example: iz tr add cards -n nezuko -l 1000


-ex [exclude cards] filter - It is used to exclude cards you do not want to consume while using the enh command to level your cards. Example: iz enh 1 -ex nezuko,geto [consumes fodders required except Nezuko and Geto fodders]

Raid Recruitment [guild events]

You can recruit members to your private raid party using [iz ge rec]. In order to use this command your discord server must be configured to have a pingable role and a channel. For more info check [iz help ge]. To configure this setting use [iz ge rping -ch <#channel> -ro <@role>]. As this command can get complex to explain it is recommend to join the Official Server for support.

-ch [raid recruitment channel] - When the iz ge rec command is used the bot will post the raid details in the configured channel to allow players in your discord server to join your raid.

-ro [raid recruitment role] - When the iz ge rec command is used the bot will ping this role to recruit lobby members.

All the filters can be used in any order. See the examples below:

iz inv -r immo -n nezuko - Filters Nezuko Immortal cards from your inventory.

iz inv -n nezuko -r immo - Filters Nezuko Immortal cards from your inventory.

iz dex -a wreck -t fire -s <series> yields the same results as iz dex -t fire -s <series> -a wreck.

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