Card Trading Guide
Card and Gold Trading
Trading cards and gold is an important aspect of the game that allows players to get/exchange cards without having to sell/buy on the Global Market. This features allows player to start their own farming services to make gold. Unlike other games, there is no cool down when you trade a card or the number of times you can trade in a day.
To start trading with your friend type [iz tr <@user>]. A confirmation is prompted before the trade is initiated.Adding fodders and cards to trade
iz tr add card - If you already know the #ID of your card in your inventory, type [iz tr add card <#ID>] to add single cards into trade queue. Comma seperated #ID can be used to add more cards. Example: iz tr add card 1,2
iz tr add cards - To add multiple cards into trade by using the filters type [iz tr add cards -r rank <filters>]. Filters include -n <name> -l <limit>.
Example: iz tr add cards -n nezuko -r immo -l 10.adding fodders - To add fodders to trade queue type [iz tr add fodders -l <limit> -n <name>].
If no limit filter is provided, it adds 1 card by default.
Adding gold to trade
To trade gold type [iz tr add gold <amount>].
Viewing your trade queue
To view the cards being traded between players type [iz tr view]. All the cards and gold in trade queue will not be given to players until the trade is confirmed by both players. Only 10 cards from each player queue can be displayed due to discord's limitation.
Tip: Make sure to view the trade before completing it to avoid trading the wrong cards.Confirming trade
To complete the trade both players must first confirm the trade. After making sure that you are trading the right cards, type [iz tr confirm] to confirm the trade. The Trade is automatically completed once both players use this command.