
Blizzard blizzard
 Increase ACC of all allies by 20% simultaneously decreasing enemy SPD by the same % and decrease their Max HP by 2% up to 50%. Deal 25% bonus damage each round as shard damage.
    Balancing Strike balancing strike
    Unleash a strike of Elemental damage based on your card equal to 30% of your ATK as well as reducing enemy DEF by 5%, and take 1/4 of the damage dealt to yourself. If the enemy has dealt more damage than your damage the previous round, your damage dealt is boosted by 1.5x.
      Restriction restriction
      Inflict a stack of Silence on the enemy restricting them from using their ability for the next 2 turns.
        Misdirection misdirection
        Inflict confusion on your enemies and gain a chance to cause them to inflict damage upon itself based on their attack as well as increasing ARMOR of all allies by 20%.
          Vortex vortex
          At the start of the battle, steal 20% of enemy ATK up to 100% of your base ATK and heal for half the amount of the difference between ally current ATK and base ATK.
            Presence of Mind presence of mind
            Increase the Accuracy of all allies by 25% as well as decreasing the SPD of all enemies by 14% and gain a Crit Chance of 20%.
              Lifesteal lifesteal
              Increase Life Steal by 23%, as well as buff ATK of all allies by 13%.
                Future Sight future sight
                Transcend beyond time getting a glimpse of the future applying increasing ARMOR of all allies by 30% as well as increasing DEF by 15%. PSV At the start of the battle gain 30% damage reduction on Electrocute, Elemental Strike and Balancing Strike.
                  Precision precision
                  Increase the crit chances of all allies by 40% as well as increasing crit damage of allies by 18%.
                    Dominator dominator
                    Permanently decrease the ATK of all enemies by 16% simultaneously increasing ATK and Base ATK of all allies by 15%.
                      Guardian guardian
                      Restore [10 - 13]% HP and increase the DEF and ARMOR of all allies for the same %. PSV Over heal stops surge bleed and regens bonus ARMOR for the amount of extra heal.
                        Undead undead
                        Apply a stack of Zombie Aura on all allies. When your hp reaches 0 regenerate 1hp for 2 additional rounds.
                          Killer Instincts killer instincts
                          Cast an aura of killer instincts increasing your ARMOR by 30% as well as increasing your SPD by 30%. Also gain a 5% Evasion chance.
                            Dragon Rage dragon rage
                            Increase ATK of all allies by 25% as well as decreasing their DEF by 7%.
                              Toxic Screen toxic screen
                              Inflict a stack of Poison on all enemies decreasing their DEF by 20% as well as reducing all lifesteal effects by 8%. Also deal 15% bonus damage while Poisoned based on ATK
                                Cleanse cleanse
                                Nullify status effects such as Time Bomb, Poison, Surge Bleed, Restriction, Sleep. Does not nullify Stun and Paranoia effects.
                                  Elemental Strike elemental strike
                                  Deal 30% elemental damage based on your ATK as well as buffing ARMOR of all allies by 25%.
                                    Spell Book spell book
                                    After a short delay, cast a spell on all enemies dealing 25% bonus Random Elemental damage or gain 10% SPD/HP based on your SPD. PSV Ability is cast every round from R3 onwards.
                                      Tornado tornado
                                      deal bonus 20% [3x] bonus true damage based on your damage dealt.
                                        Fighting Spirit fighting spirit
                                        While your HP is below 35% increase ATK and DEF of all allies by 20%.
                                          Electrocute electrocute
                                          Deal 50% damage based on ATK also gain a chance of inflicting Paralysis.
                                            Crusher crusher
                                            Decrease the ATK and DEF of all enemies by 25%. Their ATK increases by [5]% each turn.
                                              Surge surge
                                              When your HP is below 45%. Increase Life Steal of all allies by 60%. Your lifesteal stops when you regen more than 45% HP. Apply a stack of bleed dealing 97% damage for 2 rounds round based on remaining HP. Deal bonus damage based on enemy DEF. Lower the enemy DEF higher the bonus damage dealt.
                                                Last Stand last stand
                                                While your HP is below 45% increase the DEF of all allies by 20%. Also regen 25% missing ARM.
                                                  Lightning Shield lightning shield
                                                  Increase Base DEF and DEF of all allies by 30%. Reflect 25% damage based on enemy ATK, simultaneously decreasing their Accuracy and Critical Damage by 15%.
                                                    Transfigure transfigure
                                                    Decrease the SPD of all allies by 10% simultaneously increasing their max HP upto 50% and base DEF by 15%.
                                                      Predator predator
                                                      At the start of the round increase your ATK/DEF by 10% as well as increasing SPD by 15% up to round 10.
                                                        Defensive Strike defensive strike
                                                        Increase DEF and Base DEF of all allies by 20%. Deal 25% damage based on ally DEF. If your SPD is lower than that of the enemy your damage % is increased to 30%. This ability can Stack.
                                                          Berserk berserk
                                                          When your health % is lower than that of the enemy increase your ATK/DEF/CRIT CHANCE by 20%.
                                                            Frost frost
                                                            Inflict all enemies with frost causing your next attack to deal 15% bonus damage based on your DEF as well as decreasing the ARMOR of all enemies by 8%. Also gain a 5% chance of frost bite stunning the enemy.
                                                              Leer leer
                                                              Apply a stack of Paranoia causing the enemy to skip a turn, simultaneously reducing its DEF and ARMOR by  25%.
                                                                Point Blank point blank
                                                                Increase the ATK by 20% and Accuracy by 35% of all allies as well as increasing CRIT Chance by 30%.
                                                                  Eclipse eclipse
                                                                   Harness the power of Eclipse and gain knowledge beyond your enemies increasing your BASE ARM and ARMOR by 25% as well as Buffing the DEF of all allies by 20%. Also gain a 80% chance to resist Misdirection.
                                                                    Dream Eater dream eater
                                                                    While the enemy is asleep inflict Nightmare dealing 80% bonus damage based on the difference in enemy ATK and ally ATK and heal for 33% based on damage dealt.
                                                                      Sleep sleep
                                                                      Inflict Drowsiness on the enemy causing them to miss their turns until they are awake.
                                                                        Revitalize revitalize
                                                                        Restore 58% of missing HP of all allies as well as increase their ATK by 15%.
                                                                          Wrecker wrecker
                                                                          When the match begins, increase ATK of all allies by 90% and ARMOR by 28%. Your ATK and ARMOR decreases by 8% each turn.
                                                                            Time Bomb time bomb
                                                                            Inflict a stack of Time Bomb which explodes at any Random Round, dealing 20% bonus damage based on previous round damage taken. Get up to 3x Stack damage for the rounds it doesn't explode. The stack is reset to 1x after explosion. 
                                                                            The % gain with stack is as follows:
                                                                            1x stack = 20%
                                                                            2x stacks = 40%
                                                                            3x stacks = 60%.
                                                                              Chronobreak chronobreak
                                                                              Shatter time and gain a temporal rewind restoring your missing health. Cause the enemy to be struck by Time Dilation taking 15% bonus damage based on enemy ATK. If your stats are below base stats, they will also be restored.
                                                                                Bone Plating bone plating
                                                                                At the start of the battle buff all allies with Endurance taking 40% less True/Basic damage. The Endurance of all allies is reduced by 8% every 3rd round. All abilities that deal True damage are affected.
                                                                                  Exhaust exhaust
                                                                                  At the start of the round swap the SPD of all allies if the enemy has more SPD. Permanently decrease the SPD/ARM of all enemies by 20% as well as buff all ally SPD/ARM for the same %.
                                                                                    Harbinger of Death harbinger of death
                                                                                    Nullify Status Effects such as Time Bomb, Poison, Surge Bleed, Restriction, Paranoia, Poison except Sleep and Stun resetting Evasion Chance, as well as buffing all Ally Stats by 18%.
                                                                                      Rapid Fire rapid fire
                                                                                      After a short delay, permanently decrease the DEF of all enemies by 10% as well as dealing 35% bonus True damage at a random round. PSV Bonus damage % is increased by 5% each round. Your bonus damage is reset to 35% if allies are hit by Restriction, Stun or Sleep.