Ability Counters Guide
When Do I Need A Counter Ability?
An ability counter may be needed to clear floors or raids, when you current card or team is not sufficent to defeat the enemy.
What Ability Do I Use to Counter the Enemy?
Dominator - Dominator is great for countering ATK based or DMG based ability dmg, including Elemental Strike, Tornado, Balancing Strike and Rapid Fire. It can also counter ATK buffing abilites such as Wrecker and Predator.
Leer - When your SPD is faster than the enemy, this abilility can counter almost any round 3 abiliy. Leer, Sleep, Defensive Strike, Cleanse, Frost, Blizzard, Transfigure, Electrocute, Chronobreak etc. with the exclusion of Harbinger of Death.
Sleep - When your SPD is faster than the enemy, this abilility can counter almost any round 3 abiliy. Leer, Sleep, Defensive Strike, Harbinger of Death, Frost, Blizzard, Transfigure, Electrocute and Chronobreak etc. with the exclusion of Cleanse.
Electrocute - Very simularly to Leer and Sleep, when faster, Electrocute is able to counter all the abilities Leer and Sleep are able to, but can counter both Harbinger of Death and Cleanse. Also know that Electrocute only has a chance to do this as well as deal dmg, while Leer and Sleep's counters are guarenteed as long as the condition is met.
Cleanse - Cleanse is able counter by clearing status effects, like Bleed and Poison from Surge and Toxic Screen respectively as well as Restriction, Sleep and Time bomb.
Harbinger of Death - Much like Cleanse, Harbinger of Death is able counter by clearing status effects, like Bleed and Poison from Surge and Toxic Screen respectively as well as Restriction, Leer and Time bomb.
Restriction - When your SPD is faster than the enemy, this abilility can counter any round 2 ability, from Dominator and Dragon Rage to Elemental Strike and Tornado.
Blizzard and Transfigure - Like two sides of the same coin, these two abilities counter each other. Blizzard decreases enemy Max HP and Transfigure increases your own Max HP.
Bone Plating - This defensive ability is best at countering high normal dmg, that may be brought forth by Predator and Wrecker.
Eclipse - Eclipse's passive, can help prevent you from taking dmg from Misdirection.
Future Sight - Though it does not provide a full counter, its passive can reduce the dmg you recieve from Elemental Strike, Balancing Strike and Electrocute
Undead - In some raids, no matter what you do, you can't seem to last long enought to deal dmg to the raid boss. In this circumstance, undead will shine the brightest, enabling you to revive up to 2 times throughout your battle.
Guardian Angel [Item 14] - Though this isn't an ability, this item can prevent Bleed caused by Surge.